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Our natural EcoBio-Block creates a clean ecosystem in your water with beneficial bacteria that break down organic waste.

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Below you’ll find helpful information and tips about aquarium maintenance.

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Freshwater Aquarium Lighting - The Basics

When it comes to aquarium lighting you have a wide variety of options to choose from.

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Care and maintenance

Planted Aquariums - What You Should Know Before Stocking

Nothing is quite so devastating to an aquarium hobbyist than to spend hours arranging and cultivating a tank full of live plants just to have them eaten by the tank inhabitants.

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Care and maintenance

Tricks for Bringing Home Healthy Fish

After you have put in all the time and effort to set up your aquarium, the last thing you want to do is stock it with sick fish that could cause a tank-wide epidemic.

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Caring for fish

Aquarium Fish Diseases: The Four Basic Types

Even if you make sure to perform regular water changes and keep your aquarium filter running properly, it is likely that your fish will contract a disease at some point.

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Caring for fish

Easy Aquarium Fish for Novice Aquarium Hobbyists

When you are first starting out in the aquarium hobby it is wise to stock your tank with hardy species that are tolerant of varying water conditions.

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Caring for fish

Aquarium Water Chemistry - What Is It and Why Is It Important?

Water chemistry is a term used to describe the chemical and physical characteristics of tank water which can be measured using aquarium water test kits.

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Water quality

The Basics of Aquarium Fish Nutrition

Having healthy aquarium fish starts with healthy fish food. If you do not give your fish all the nutrients they need to grow and thrive, they are far more likely to become stressed or to fall ill.

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Caring for fish

Keeping Your Aquarium Clean: The Basics of Aquarium Filtration

Filtration is the key to keeping your aquarium a clean and healthy environment for your fish.

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Water quality

Aquarium Algae - Understanding and Controlling

Algae growth is a nuisance that most aquarium hobbyists have trouble with at one time or another.

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Care and maintenance

Introducing Algae Eaters to Control Algae in Your Tank

One of the most common problems new aquarium owners experience is unwanted algae growth.

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Care and maintenance

How to Set Up and Use a Hospital Tank

When one of your fish falls ill it may only be a matter of time before the disease spreads to your other tank inhabitants.

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Tips and setup

The Basics of Breeding Freshwater Aquarium Fish

While several species of freshwater aquarium fish breed readily under a variety of circumstances, some have specific requirements that must be met before they are likely to spawn.

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Caring for fish

Solve your cloudy aquarium problems with EcoBio-Block - commercial

We made a new commercial "Solve your cloudy aquarium problems with EcoBio-Block".

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Exploring the Different Types of Freshwater Aquariums

When it comes to the home aquarium, many people do not realize that there are more than two options: freshwater or saltwater.

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Tips and setup

Snails in the Home Aquarium - How to Deal with Them?

While aquarium snails may help to keep the algae in your aquarium under control, they have a tendency to reproduce quickly.

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Care and maintenance