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Our natural EcoBio-Block creates a clean ecosystem in your water with beneficial bacteria that break down organic waste.

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Below you’ll find helpful information and tips about aquarium maintenance.

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Creative Ways to Decorate Your Fish Tank

Part of the fun in keeping a home aquarium comes from being able to decorate it.

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Care and maintenance

The Basics of Tropical Fish Compatibility

When it comes to selecting tropical fish for the home aquarium, many aquarists do not know that there is more to the process than simply picking the fish you like.

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Caring for fish

Take Good Care of Nitrifying Bacteria in the Aquarium

Did you know there are ways to promote the growth of healthy nitrifying bacteria in the aquarium and things to avoid which will adversely affect bacteria?

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Care and maintenance

Turning Your Freshwater Aquarium Into A Saltwater Aquarium

If you plan on turning your freshwater aquarium into a saltwater aquarium, you are likely wondering if the equipment you already have can be used to create that saltwater aquarium or if you have to get brand new equipment.

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Care and maintenance


Choosing The Best Aquarium Filter For Your Fish

Many people are choosing to have aquariums with many different types of fish in them.

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Caring for fish

Setting Up a Quarantine Tank for Saltwater Tropical Fish

If you have saltwater tropical fish, it is virtually essential that you have a quarantine tank for them.

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Care and maintenance


Creating a Healthy Small Aquarium and Keeping Your Freshwater Fish Healthy

Creating healthy small aquariums that have around 10-20 gallons of water in them for your freshwater fish isn't that hard and can be quite rewarding, as your aqua ecosystem will flourish with life.

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Tips and setup

The Basic Water Parameters Needed For A Healthy Freshwater Aquarium

To have a healthy freshwater aquarium, you need to be aware of the basic water parameters that constitute a healthy freshwater aquarium.

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Water quality

Typical Tropical Fish Diseases and Treatments for Them

One of the main concerns with having tropical fish is the diseases they can contract. There are many different kinds of tropical fish diseases, most of which have treatments to remedy them.

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Caring for fish

Are Partial Aquarium Water Changes Necessary?

One of the first things a novice aquarium owner hears from fish-keeping friends and/or pet store personnel is the need for partial water changes of about 20 percent every few weeks

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Water quality

How not to Lose Fish in Your Aquarium

You've spent a lot of money and time picking out the right fish for your aquarium and you think you've got it just right.

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Caring for fish

Tips and setup

How to Choose Aquariums for Kids

It's easy to see that aquariums for kids are always extremely popular. For proof, take a look anytime you are out in public where aquariums are located.

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Care and maintenance

How To Maintain a Clear and Healthy Saltwater Aquarium

The health of your saltwater aquarium is critical to the survival of your fish and corals.

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Water quality

Care and maintenance

Betta Fish - What You Need to Know

If you have been in a pet store or any type of store that sells live pet fish, you have probably seen a display of small glass or plastic bowls or containers in the fish department.

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Caring for fish

Good Bacteria in Aquariums

Those who are new to the aquarium hobby are often surprised to learn that in order for the water in their tank to stay sparkling clear and their fish to stay healthy, bacteria in the water is vital.

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Care and maintenance