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Our natural EcoBio-Block creates a clean ecosystem in your water with beneficial bacteria that break down organic waste.

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Below you’ll find helpful information and tips about aquarium maintenance.

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Why Do Fish Die Without an Obvious Reason?

Maintaining a healthy aquarium can be a challenge at times because there are so many different things that could go wrong.

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Caring for fish

How to Care for Fire-Bellied Toads

Fire-bellied toads are a type of amphibian that have become very popular as pets.

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Caring for fish

Cloudy Fish Tanks- What Every Aquarium Hobbyist Should Know

Cloudy fish tank water is one of the most common problems affecting novice and experienced aquarium hobbyists alike.

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Care and maintenance

Tips and setup

Caring for Your Semi-Aquatic Turtle

Turtles are wonderful pets and a joy to keep but unless you have an understanding of their basic needs, you may have trouble with these creatures.

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Caring for fish

Biotope Tanks – An Interesting Challenge for Aquarium Hobbyists

If you have been involved in the aquarium hobby for a while, you may be looking for a new and interesting challenge.

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Care and maintenance

How to Upgrade to a Larger Aquarium Tank

Whether you have a single fish that has grown too large for his tank or a group of fish that has multiplied, exceeding the capabilities of your current tank to support, it may be time to upgrade to a larger tank.

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Tips and setup


Aquarium pH - How to Modify It

When it comes to issues regarding water chemistry, many aquarium hobbyists are in the dark.

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Care and maintenance

Aquarium pH Basics

Many novice aquarium hobbyists, when they hear the terms “water chemistry” or “pH,” are confused or completely unaware about what these terms refer to.

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Care and maintenance

How to Determine the Right Number of Fish for Your Aquarium

Stocking a fish tank may seem like an easy enough task – you simply go to the pet store, pick out the fish you like and bring them home.

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Caring for fish

Moving And Your Fish Tank

Moving can be a big hassle but, if you make the right preparations, including your fish tank in the move does not need to become an added source of stress.

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Care and maintenance

Gravel Vacuums - Get the Most Out of Your Water Changes

Even if you are just starting out in the aquarium hobby and have done minimal research about tank maintenance, you probably understand the importance of water changes.

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Care and maintenance

Water quality

Canister Filters -Why You Should Consider

Especially for new aquarium hobbyists, selecting a filtration system for a freshwater aquarium can be a difficult task.

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The Causes of High Ammonia in Freshwater Tanks

Ammonia testing is essential for the fishkeeping hobby. Always have an ammonia testing kit on hand and be sure to test for ammonia levels about once a month.

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Care and maintenance

Aquarium Water Changes - What You Should Know

Even the most novice aquarium hobbyist is likely to understand the importance of routine water changes in keeping an aquarium clean and healthy.

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Water quality

Care and maintenance

Feeding Aquarium Fish -- Tips for Encouraging Fussy Fish to Eat

Novice aquarium hobbyists often assume that all you need in order to feed aquarium fish is a canister of processed flake food.

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Caring for fish