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Our natural EcoBio-Block creates a clean ecosystem in your water with beneficial bacteria that break down organic waste.

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Proper Care of the Nano Aquarium

For the fish-lover, there is nothing as beautiful and peaceful as an aquarium. It brightens up any room in which it is placed, as well as giving the owner a low-maintenance pet.

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Care and maintenance

Low Maintenance Aquariums

Many pet owners refer to their animal companions as their children because just like youngsters, pets require care that can sometimes be tough and time-consuming.

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Care and maintenance

Green Water in Aquariums

Of all the irritating and unpleasant things that can happen to an aquarist, nothing is more likely to ruin his disposition and destroy his faith in the essentially benign purposes of nature than green water

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Water quality

Care and maintenance

Cyanobacteria in the Aquarium: What It Is and How to Get Rid of It

One of the biggest challenges for aquarium owners is an outbreak of single celled organisms called cyanobacteria.

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Care and maintenance

Aquarium Care: Inviting Disaster Into Your Community Tank

Here's a candid question from my friend Bob: "I just got a 20-gallon tank and was thinking about putting in about a dozen Neon Tetras, six to eight Mollies

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Care and maintenance

Four important things to keep your fishes healthy

With the many "gadgets” available to the average beginner in the way of well-designed aquariums, thermometers, heaters, thermostats, aerators and filters

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Caring for fish

Aquarium Cycle Made Stress-Free

Initial conditioning of aquarium water, also known as “aquarium cycle,” can be one of the most stressful tasks in fish keeping.

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Care and maintenance

Beneficial Bacteria Is Vital For New Fish Tanks

One of the first lessons a fishkeeping hobbyist learns is that preparing a good habitat for aquatic pets is all about breeding beneficial bacteria.

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Care and maintenance

Cloudy Aquarium Water

One of the most common challenges of keeping an aquarium is cloudy water.

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Care and maintenance

Water quality

Aquarium Cycling Options

Aquarium cycling, or the process of cultivating beneficial bacteria that make the water quality ideal for the fishes, can be done in three different ways

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Caring for fish

Water quality

Planaria: How to Get Rid of White Worms in the Aquarium

It can be an extremely upsetting feeling for the beginning aquarist…you’ve spent so much time researching your fish, setting up the aquarium properly and getting it up and running.

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Care and maintenance

Overcrowded Aquarium -Suffocation

It seems that I begin many of these letters by quoting from some correspondence. After all, what better or more practical source of inspiration can there be?

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Care and maintenance

Aquarium Filtration: How Much Do I Need?

If you’re new to fish, you may have wondered what kind of filter you should use in your aquarium care.

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Safely Transferring Fish to a New Aquarium

When you are ready to purchase your first aquarium, one of the first things you learn is how to properly cycle the aquarium

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Care and maintenance

Caring for fish

The Care and Feeding of Bettas

The beautiful and popular Betta fish are the second most abused fish.

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Caring for fish