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Low Maintenance Aquariums

Care and maintenance

September 26, 2020

Low Maintenance Aquarium with EcoBio-Stone L

Many pet owners refer to their animal companions as their children because just like youngsters, pets require care that can sometimes be tough and time-consuming. And just like other pets, aquarium fish demand and deserve considerable attention in terms of feeding, maintaining optimum habitats, and addressing health concerns.

Maintaining aquariums, however, does not have to be tedious. With a little foresight, the right equipment, and some helpful water quality innovations, fishkeeping can be a wonderful and rewarding experience. Here are tips on how to keep a low maintenance aquarium:

  1. Bigger is better. Small aquariums are harder to maintain than large aquariums for the simple reason that a small quantity of water is much easier to pollute. This means a small tank must be monitored constantly and quickly attended to as soon as water quality is even slightly compromised
  2. Location, location, location. The best place for an aquarium is where it does not receive direct sunlight, is not exposed to drafts or heating/cooling appliances, and is close to a water source. Sunlight promotes algae bloom; therefore, additional maintenance. Exposure to drafts and proximity to heating or cooling appliances can affect the temperature integrity of the aquarium and cause illness and death to the fish community. The ideal location keeps the tank stable and trouble-free. And being close to a water source minimizes the effort of lugging buckets of water across the living room or down the hall, and ruining carpet or wood floors in the process.
  3. The right tools for the job. A stable aquarium environment relies on the efficiency of its support equipment—the overhead lights, filtration systems, heaters, and aerators. Sufficient lighting should automatically turn on and off at designated time intervals to optimize plant growth and the fish’s day/night cycles. Filtration systems should have adequate flow rates and filter media to handle the bio-load. Heaters and aeration systems should provide the right temperature and oxygenation levels in the tank. Efficient and adequate support systems are tools that help optimize habitat quality and avoid emergency and extraneous maintenance routines.
  4. Compatibility is key. Compatibility is about fish living harmoniously together. It’s also about fish living in the appropriate size and type of environment. Keeping fish, that are not compatible with their tank parameters or their tank mates, upsets not just the health of the fishes but also the stability and integrity of the aquarium, leading to serious maintenance issues.
  5. The invisible component: Bacteria. The success of fishkeeping is highly dependent on the nitrifying bacteria that process the fish’s waste matter into non-toxic form to keep a healthy aquarium environment. An innovative aquarium product that ensures the prolific growth of large colonies of beneficial bacteria is called EcoBio-Block Family Products. Mineral-rich volcanic stones from Japan, EcoBio-Blocks are embedded with the “bacillus subtilis natto”, beneficial bacteria that actively multiply every half hour, degrading organic matter and keeping the aquarium clear and odor-free for years.

Aquariums can be relatively low maintenance if the right conditions are in place. Keeping fish, or any pet for the matter, can occasionally be demanding, but with the help of the right equipment and novel solutions like EcoBio-Block, taking care of finned friends can always be fun and fulfilling.