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The Right Temperature for a Saltwater Tank


September 30, 2020

Keeping your tank at the right temperature is important for the well-being of your salt water inhabitants.

As you probably already know, in order to keep your aquarium fish happy and healthy you need to maintain a healthy tank environment. In addition to providing an adequate diet, you also need to consider the parameters of the water in your tank. This includes pH level, water hardness, nitrate levels and more. One water parameter that aquarium owners often forget to consider is tank temperature. Whereas freshwater aquariums can generally be kept within the 76°F to 82°F range, the proper temperature for saltwater tanks varies depending on the type of tank you have.

Types of Saltwater Tanks

Saltwater aquariums are generally divided into categories based on their inhabitants. A fish-only tank houses aquarium fish but no other inhabitants while a fish-only with live rock (FOWLR) tank houses fish and is decorated with live rock. The third category is the reef tank – a tank that houses corals and other reef inhabitants. When it comes to determining proper tank temperature, these classifications are important but they are not the only things to consider. Saltwater aquariums can also be divided into two categories by water temperature. Warm water tanks are ideal for tropical fish and reef inhabitants. Cold water tanks, though less popular than warm water tanks, can be an interesting challenge because they enable the aquarist to keep non-traditional inhabitants.

In order to determine the proper temperature for your saltwater tank, you need to think about what type of tank you plan to cultivate. If you are keeping a fish-only tank, your tank temperature will be determined by the preferences of your tank inhabitants. Try to choose species that all have a similar requirement for tank temperature. A FOWLR tank is not much different than a fish-only tank because live rock can survive within the same temperature range as aquarium fish. Where it becomes tricky is when you want to cultivate a reef tank. Reef inhabitants have a wide range of temperature preferences so you may need to do some extensive research before stocking your tank to make sure all of your inhabitants are compatible.

Other Tips and Information

Once you have determined what species of fish and other inhabitants you want to keep in your tank you will be able to determine the ideal temperature. For warm water tanks, the ideal temperature range is between 75° and 85°F. It would be wise, however, for you to cater the specific temperature of your tank to your tank inhabitants. Cold water tanks, on the other hand, can be kept as low as 55° to 65°F. Depending on the type of tank you are cultivating, you will need to invest in certain equipment to help maintain stable tank temperature.  For a warm water tank you will need an aquarium heater and for a cold water tank, you may need an aquarium chiller.

Maintaining a stable temperature in your saltwater tank is essential for the health and vitality of your aquarium fish. While many species can tolerate slight changes in tank temperature, most will become stressed or ill with sudden or drastic changes. In addition to monitoring the temperature in your tank, you should also make an effort to keep the water quality in your tank high. One easy way to do so is to install an EcoBio-Stone in your tank. These stones are made from porous volcanic cement and they are infused with live beneficial bacteria as well as the nutrients they need to thrive. Once introduced into your tank, these bacteria will multiply and immediately begin working to maintain the nitrogen cycle in your tank, removing harmful toxins and helping to keep your tank water clean, clear and odor-free. If the water in your tank is of high quality and kept at the right temperature, your fish are more likely to thrive.