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Setting Up Your First Garden Pond

Tips and setup

September 30, 2020

Having an outdoor pond can completely transform your backyard. It will turn a dull, empty backyard into an oasis where you can cultivate live aquatic plants and colorful fish. Maintaining an outdoor pond is not especially difficult, especially if you set it up properly. If you do not set it up correctly, however, it can be a hassle to make repairs and to replace equipment. To save yourself the time and money, make sure you do it right the first time.

When it comes to setting up your first pond, the most important thing to consider is location. There are a number of factors to consider in choosing the location for your pond. First, you do not want to put it someplace where it will be affected by heavy rainfall – do not place your pond at the bottom of a steep slope where it could easily be flooded. You should also avoid putting it on a steep hill or between hills. Ideally, your pond should be placed in a sunny location close to your home so you can easily care for your fish.

Next, think about what you are going to use for your pond. Some people prefer to dig out their ponds and line them with plastic or rubber to make it watertight. An easier solution, however, is to use a plastic tub – a stock tank like those used to water livestock. Simple dig out the pond to match the shape and depth of the tank then line the area with sand before placing the tub in the location. Once your pond is in place you can begin to think about decorating it.

In decorating an outdoor pond, the options are endless. You do, however, need to think about whether you plan to keep fish in your pond. If you do plan to keep fish, you should limit the number of plants you keep in the pond in order to give your fish as much room as possible. You might, for example, choose to use only a few plants in the pond and landscape the area around it more heavily. To incorporate plants directly into your pond, find a few black pots so they are not as easy to see through the pond water. Fill the pots about ¾ full with potting soil and, after potting the plant, fill the rest with gravel. You can then place the plants directly in the pond.

In most cases, you can fill your pond simply by using a hose. You may want to test the water before you add any fish to be sure that the water isn’t too hard and that the pH is tolerable. Think carefully about what kind of fish you want to keep in your pond – consider whether you will keep the fish in the pond all year-round and whether you plan to heat the pond during the winter. Some good choices for novice pond owners include rosy barbs, odesssa barbs and platies. All of these fish are colorful when viewed from above and they tend to do well in cooler water temperatures.

A final thing to consider in successfully maintaining your first pond is water quality – keeping the water quality in your tank high is essential for keeping your pond and your fish healthy. It is important that you have a quality filtration system in place and that you regularly strain leaves and other debris from the pond. You may also want to consider installing an EcoBio-Block Wave in your pond. EcoBio products are infused with beneficial bacteria that will help to maintain the nitrogen cycle in your pond, keeping your pond water clean and clear. One EcoBio-Block Wave can accommodate 300 to 1000 gallons of water and it can last for more than three years. Make your life as a pond owner easier by purchasing and installing an EcoBio-Block Wave in your tank!