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Cloudy Goldfish Tank- What to Do About It

Care and maintenance

Water quality

September 30, 2020

Aquarium hobbyists spend many hours planning and setting up their aquariums to ensure that they look as good as possible. Because you put so much time and effort into your tank, it can be devastating when your efforts are ruined by cloudy tank water. Not only does cloudy aquarium water keep you from properly viewing your fish and other tank inhabitants, but it can also be a sign of a larger problem with your tank parameters or water quality. In this article you will learn why the water might turn cloudy in your goldfish tank and what you can do about it.

 Cloudy goldfish tank

Reasons for Cloudy Water

Cloudy tank water may be the largest and most common complaint of new goldfish tank owners. It can pop up suddenly and it does not always go away on its own. The reasons for cloudy water in a goldfish tank may vary but you must identify the cause of the problem before you can fix it. One of the most common reasons for cloudy water in a goldfish tank is a bacterial bloom. As you may already know, live beneficial bacteria in your tank are responsible for establishing and maintaining the nitrogen cycle that keeps your tank clean and ammonia levels low. In addition to this beneficial bacteria, however, your tank also contains other types of bacteria and microscopic organisms. When the amount of these microscopic organisms in your tank grows too large, it can result in a bacterial bloom which clouds the appearance of your tank water.

Another possible cause for cloudy goldfish tank water is algae – if the cloudiness in your tank water has a greenish tint, this is likely the case. Like bacterial blooms, algae blooms can occur in a goldfish tank when there is an abundance of nutrients. Nutrients for algae include light and nitrate. If your tank is exposed to direct sunlight or if you leave your tank lights on too long, it could spur the growth of algae. A failure to perform weekly water changes can also spur algae growth because it will lead to increased nitrate levels in the tank.

How to Remedy the Situation

Once you have identified the cause of the problem, your next step is to treat it. In the case of a bacterial bloom, however, that treatment may simply involve waiting. In most cases, bacterial blooms clear up by themselves as the beneficial bacteria in your tank break down wastes and thus remove the excess nutrients that caused the bloom in the first place. Performing a water change may also help to remedy cloudy goldfish tank water. In the case of a bacterial bloom, a significant water change may help to remove some of the offending bacteria and, in the case of an algae bloom, it will reduce the nitrate levels in your tank. Routine water changes and filter maintenance are essential for keeping the water in your goldfish tank clean and clear.

Tips for Keeping Tank Water Clear

In addition to performing weekly water changes, consider installing an EcoBio-Stone in your goldfish tank to keep the water clean. EcoBio-Stones are made from natural volcanic rock, infused with live beneficial bacteria and the nutrients they need to thrive. Once you install the stone in your tank the bacteria will get to work, multiplying to establish and maintain the nitrogen cycle in your tank and keeping beneficial bacteria levels consistently high. With an EcoBio-Stone in place, your risk of experiencing a bacterial or algae bloom in your tank is much lower than it would be in a tank without one. Best of all, a single EcoBio-Stone can last up to 2 years and, once you install it, you don’t have to do anything else.