If you have spent much time in the aquarium fish department of your local pet store you have probably seen displays of brightly colored fish in small plastic bowls. These fish are called betta fish and they are one of the most popular species of tropical freshwater aquarium fish on the market. These fish are known for their aggressive tendencies as well as their long fins and bright colors. Unfortunately, many of those who purchase these fish do not know how to care for them properly. Even experienced aquarium hobbyists may fall victim to one or more of the many myths and misconceptions surrounding this species. If you plan to keep a betta fish, do yourself a favor and familiarize yourself with some of the common mistakes aquarium hobbyists make so you do not repeat them yourself.
Bettas Should Be Kept in Small Bowls
Because betta fish are often sold out of small containers, many customers automatically assume that these fish should be kept in such small environment. In their native habitat, betta fish are often found in small bodies of water like rice paddies which tend to shrink during the dry season. Though betta fish are capable of surviving in such limited space, that doesn’t necessarily mean they should have to. Like all fish, bettas require space to move and grow – they also require a certain amount of water in the tank to dilute the toxins produced by the breakdown of waste. The smaller the water capacity in the tank, the less those toxins will be diluted and the worse the water quality will be. In order for a betta to thrive, it should be kept in a tank no smaller than 5 gallons in capacity – preferably 10. The tank should also be equipped with an aquarium heater to maintain a stable water temperature and a filter to help keep the water clean.
All Betta Fish Are Aggressive
Also known by the nickname Siamese Fighting Fish, betta fish are notorious for being a very aggressive species. While it is true that males of the species can become very aggressive and territorial, these behaviors can certainly be controlled. To avoid problems with aggression, keep male betta fish in a separate tank. If you must add a betta to a community tank, be sure to avoid keeping any fish that will nip at the long fins of the betta and provide plenty of hiding places so your betta can establish his “territory” in the tank. Female betta fish, on the other hand, can be kept with others of their own kind. Though female bettas are not as bad as males, they can still be aggressive and territorial. To avoid problems when keeping multiple female bettas together, keep them in odd numbers – three, five or seven, for example – so they will naturally develop a hierarchy with one betta becoming dominant over the others. You should also provide plenty of hiding places and natural dividers in the tank so your fish can establish individual territories.
Bettas Aren’t Good Beginner Fish
Due to their aggressive nature, many novice aquarium hobbyists assume that bettas are not good beginner fish when the opposite is actually true. Betta fish are a very hardy species which makes them excellent beginner fish. These fish can adapt to a variety of tank conditions and can tolerate minor changes in tank temperature and water chemistry. Because they require little maintenance, betta fish are ideal for someone looking to make their start in the aquarium hobby and for those who like the idea of keeping a small fish tank that doesn’t require much attention.
In addition to familiarizing yourself with some of the common misconceptions about betta fish, it would be wise to learn a few tips to keep your betta fish healthy. The key to healthy fish is clean water and a simple way to keep the water in your tank clean is to install an EcoBio-Stone. These products are made from natural volcanic rocks and cement and they can be dropped right into your betta tank. EcoBio-Stones are infused with live beneficial bacteria that, once added to the tank, will multiply and work to establish and maintain the nitrogen cycle in your tank. These bacteria will help control ammonia levels, keeping the water in your tank clean, clear and odor free – a healthy environment for your betta fish.